WiseGiving Advisors is dedicated to helping donors achieve their goals. Our belief is donors have a powerful role to play in civil society. Donors are not merely a provider of funds, but also an innovator, an advocate, a capacity-builder, and a convenor for stakeholders to gather together to address some of the most entrenched social issues.

Our team has a decade of experience working for the most prominent donors in Hong Kong on a wide variety of social issues. We understand donors nowadays have high expectations of their giving. They want their giving to reflect their values, focus on critical issues, and have measurable impact. WiseGiving Advisors has the experience and knowledge to integrate multiple aspects to deliver innovative and powerful giving strategies.

We enjoy charitable (Section 88) status with the Inland Revenue Department. In partnership with The Philanthropic Initiative, a leader in strategic philanthropy advising, we aim to introduce international best practices to the local community – align values with a long-term giving strategy, good governance and succession planning to sustain family legacy and lasting impact.

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Steering Committee

Mr. Mason Wu
  • Director, AR Charitable Foundation
Mr. Bernard CHAN GBS JP
  • Chairperson, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
  • Executive Director & General Counsel, Winyard Hong Kong Group Ltd.
Ms. Michelle CHOW
  • Consultant, Withers
Mr. CHUA Hoi Wai
  • Chief Executive, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service
Ms. Christine FANG BBS JP
    Ms. Wendy W.C. LAM
    • Managing Director, Arrow Capital Limited
    Mr. Larry KWOK BBS JP
    • Partner, Kwok Yih & Chan
    Ms. Elizabeth LAW JP
    • Director, Law & Partners CPA Limited
    Mr. Kennedy LIU
    • Partner and Capital Markets Services Leader, PricewaterhouseCoopers
    Mr. Derrick YIP
    • Managing Director, CDL Investments Limited
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