WiseGiving serves donors of all shapes and sizes. No matter whether you are a private individual, family or private foundation, or corporate donor, WiseGiving will help you craft and implement your philanthropic goals.

Family Foundations

Families give for a variety of reasons. It might be to instil family values and create a lasting legacy. It might be to educate or involve the next generation. Or it might be to strengthen family bonds, whether within a generation or across generations. Or it might be a combination of these factors.

WiseGiving works with families to define missions and goals and set up governance structures, allowing families to work together for the greater good. With goals and structure in place, WiseGiving then develops philanthropic programmes addressing social issues that resonate across all family members and generations.

By reflecting your family’s values and addressing the society’s critical needs, your family philanthropy becomes something your family can rally around and be proud of.

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Corporations and Corporate Foundations

WiseGiving understands that companies are under increasing pressure from multiple fronts. Shareholders, customers, employees, suppliers, industry groups, among others, are all expecting companies to not only do well but also do good.

WiseGiving works with companies to devise high-impact giving programmes that strive to achieve both business interests and philanthropic goals.

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Individuals and Groups

We know that philanthropy is most fulfilling when it exemplifies your values. WiseGiving will help you design and implement a giving plan that matches your passions with community needs, so that you can achieve impact on the issues that you care about.

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